Is it Just Me?


Is it just me or is it obvious to you too that our NDP gov’t doesn’t give a damn about us, the environment, or global warming?

There are other factors that show this but for now, I’ll focus on their policy of letting BC burn.

During the North Shuswap burning, a BCWS or Forestry person was on BC1 telling us about their policy.  They said that unless a domicile or people were in danger that they just let the wildfires burn.

Apparently they don’t care that this policy allows wildfires to get out of control.  Then, as they approach farms or communities, it is near impossible to put them out or control their burn patterns.  Boy did we just learn this well! 

Apparently they don’t care about the stress and trauma it causes when one’s home or business is destroyed.  They don’t care about the health problems that are caused and/or exacerbated by all the smoke!  They don’t care about the extra costs for home and auto insurance or added health care costs for the respiratory problems caused by the smoke, or the extra taxes to pay for attempting to put these now out of control wildfires out.

They don’t care about the 43 000 hectares of destroyed habitat or the animals killed by the fire and smoke.  Or the flooding and erosion that will be caused by rain after this habitat has been destroyed.  And these will continue for years or decades after the fire!

Nor do they care about the tonnes of CO2 that are released by these wildfires.  Isn’t the smoke (CO2) from these wildfires also adding to global warming?  And isn’t the destruction of these trees also inhibiting the capture of CO2 by those now destroyed forests?

They will blame these fires on global warming but isn’t it moreso their policy of letting these wildfires grow out of control that is the real problem?  If they used their “Rapid Response” teams or the larger water bombers to put these fires out right after they start, like they used to, wouldn’t that mean a lot less forests burned?  A lot less homes and businesses and communities destroyed?  A lot less damage to our environment?

Under this NDP gov’t, Beautiful BC is fast becoming Burnt BC!


Eugene Eklund

Scotch Creek, BC


The 2023 Fire Storm
