The Fire Dragon

One of the most aggressive and destructive wildfires in BC history swept through our forests and communities on August 18, 2023 earning it the nickname The Fire Dragon:

By Jo Anne Malpass

wildfire line 17 janis smith oct23

Line 17 Celista- August 17, 2023 - 7pm - Janis Smith Photography

On July 12, two spot fires were started by lightning, one on each side of Adams Lake. By July 17, the East Adams Lake wildfire was 60 hectares and the Bush Creek East fire (on the west side) was 265 hectares and both were exhibiting Rank 3-4 behaviour.

On August 2, the East Adams Lake fire entered Adams Lake communities and residents were evacuated. The order was downgraded to alert on August 13.

As the wildfires continued to grow toward the Shuswap, on August 16, Lee Creek and then Scotch Creek were put on evacuation alert.

Meadow Creek Rd. - Photo: Vickey Bischoff

During the afternoon and evening of August 17, BC Wildfire moved ahead with an aerial ignition of approximately 2,600 hectares, 14 kms long along the powerline in the North Shuswap. This was ahead of the predicted wind that would arrive the next day. That night, areas of Meadow Creek Road in Celista were put on evacuation order. 

night of backburn oct23

August 17, 2023 - photo: Vickey Bischoff

By the next afternoon, both fires started moving rapidly toward our communities. Evacuation orders came for Lee Creek, Scotch Creek, Celista, Magna Bay, Adams Lake, Skwlax te Secwepemc, Sorrento, Skimikin and Turtle Valley, as the wildfire tore through.

187 homes and businesses were lost in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, 87 in Skwlax te Secwepemc, nine in the Thompson Nicola Regional District and many more suffered damage. Forests have been destroyed and wildlife have been killed or displaced from their habitat.

Nobody in the area was unaffected, whether they chose to stay or leave or in some cases, had no choice.

We have heard and received so many stories of what people went through and how much everyone has done for each other, so many heroes to thank. We have hugged each other and cried with each other, especially over the loss to so many good, hardworking members of our community. What an incredible, caring community, from Seymour Arm to Lee Creek and from Adams Lake to South Shuswap and all the others who have come from farther to offer support to us.

With limited space in the Kicker, we have put some of the stories on our website, (check out the Local News tab as well as the Letters to the Editor tab). We also have some videos on our YouTube channel with more to be loaded up in the coming weeks.

Our Kicker management and staff are so grateful to be a part of this community and to call so many wonderful people, our friends. Thank you everyone for being there for each other.

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From Tracy Wojciechowski

For the first time in 25 years, the North Shuswap Kicker was unable to publish a newspaper. The circumstances surrounding the recent catastrophic wildfire made it impossible to produce the September edition.  We also lost our Facebook page which made it difficult to keep people updated. (NOTE: our new Facebook page is “North Shuswap Kicker” @kickershuswap.

This was the most challenging and emotionally charged paper we have ever compiled. Reading all the stories, looking at all the pictures and speaking with dozens of people about their experiences has been a challenge. It's fortunate that we rely on computers, otherwise the pages would be a soggy mess from our tears. I am profoundly grateful for my staff who persevered through this trying time and never hesitated to do what needed to be done. 

The fire has changed our landscape and many areas have been destroyed, but our hearts and hope brought us closer together. Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt support are extended to those who have endured immeasurable losses.

On behalf of the entire Kicker family, we would like to thank you for your unwavering support. We appreciate you and are committed to being Shuswap Strong together!


Janis Smith Photography

aerial photo scotch creek oct23

Aerial Photo Scotch Creek - photo credit: Australian Commander (fire service)

Bush Creek East Fire Map September 9, 2023 - Credit: BC Wildfire Service


Residents were the Heroes after the Firestorm


Supports for our Community