Friday Night Live - Four Exciting Bands in July

Friday Night Live Music Society

Music will fill the air in Scotch Creek this July at Friday Night Live, where a giant tent will provide shade from the sun and cover in case there is rain. Get your dancing shoes ready, because each band will be cooking up some hot tunes that will get everyone in the mood for moving their hips to the beat.

The fun will begin on July 7 with the classic rock tunes of the Angie Heinze Band. She has been wowing audience for years in Kamloops with her great voice and amazing stage act. Opening for Angie’s band will be Ryan Sawka, who plays original music and some cover tunes from the Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam and others.

On July 14, we are proud to host the exciting jazz-rock band, Electric Landlady, that began back in the early nineties when a group of Salmon Arm Secondary School music students decided to form a band and play for their friends and classmates. After each going into various careers, they re-grouped a few years ago with their former teacher playing trombone to play a reunion show at the Gleneden Hall and again last year at the Song Sparrow Hall. They play a range of rock and pop songs all with a jazzy sound, given they have two sax players and the trombonist. 

Opening for Electric Landlady is the Shuswap’s award-winning singer-songwriter, Ruby Bruce. She will play many of her old and new original songs, plus a few cover tunes. Ruby has continued with her music, while she is pursuing a sociology degree at the University of Victoria. 

The Friday Night Live audience will be treated to a real-meal-deal blues show on July 21, when the Maple Blues Award winning artist Steve Kozak hits the stage with his band. Steve is one of the top blues players in Canada and has shared the stage with many great performers, including Duke Robillard and James Harmon. As one reviewer wrote, “Kozak’s fluid playing and razor-sharp band are perfectly suited to this brand of passionate, exuberant, jump blues. They may hail from Vancouver, but they have Chicago in their soul.” Opening for Steve will be one of the Shuswap’s favourite groups, the Blind Bay Blues Band.

The July series will conclude with a knock-your-socks-off rock n’ roll band from Malakwa called Headway. They cover a wide variety of styles from Country, Prog-Rock, Hair metal and even R&B. The acoustic duo Barefoot Twin will be opening that evening with their blend of soulful pop songs. They are Nicole, who is the vocalist for the Kamloops rock band, Shattered Blue and Joel, who plays with Yale County Jug Band.

In addition to the great music, there will also be a Night Market at Friday Night Live, where one will be able to purchase local arts and crafts and homemade foods. There are openings for more vendors, especially those that offer food. If you are interested, contact Karla Bennett at

Friday Night Live in August will also feature some great bands, including the Hickory Biscuit Band on August 4, The Daytime Highs on August 11, the 8-piece Oral Feuntes Latin and reggae band on August 18 and country crooner Ben Klick on August 25.

Friday Night Live has been made possible thanks to the generous support from the 25 local businesses, organizations and individuals who provided funds and in-kind donations. Special thanks go to these platinum sponsors: the CSRD, the Hub, the Kicker, the Spooner companies, Warner Rentals and Living Wood Floors.


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